Weather is Weird

Yesterday was cloudy and raining.

Today is cloudy and snowing.

Tomorrow will be sunny.

Weather is rather strange, more so when it can affect our mood. Our reliance on the weather sometimes affects what we will do for the day.

Want to mow your lawn in the rain? Probably not the best idea.

Still, how can we remain positive when there is a dust storm outside?

It’s simple: focus your attention elsewhere.

Whether I want to or not, the weather will affect how I feel at the moment, but only if I pay attention to it. If I am doing something else — writing, for example— then I’ll put my attention on that.

As much as I want to say to not let the weather bother you, it is much easier said than done. Instead, find something you like doing and let it consume your time.

Because the weather is temporary and will eventually change, just like our feelings.

TAKEAWAY: When feeling down, find something you enjoy to get you back on your feet.

Here is my inspiration for the day.