Jogging For The First Time

This morning I jogged for the first time. It wasn’t pretty, and it lasted less than 5 minutes. But I am happy I did it nonetheless.

I learned a lot from this action. The most important is to wear gloves next time because I couldn’t feel my hands when I returned— it was too cold. I also noticed I like running when it’s quiet and I can hear everything around me, so I won’t listen to music or bring my phone along. My form will need improvements as I slightly felt pain when jogging.

Those are a few of the many things I need to work on. I strongly believe jogging in the morning will become a pivotal habit that’ll bring upon other habits I want. Here’s my theory:

Exercise → Eat Healthier → More Energy → More Work Done → More Relaxed → Better Sleep Quality → Wake Up Earlier → Exercise

If I start exercising, I’ll feel inclined to eat healthier so that I can exercise more. If I begin eating healthier, then I’ll be more energized throughout the day. If I’m more energized, then I’ll focus better and get more work done. If I get more work done, then I’ll feel less stressed and more relaxed. If I feel more relaxed, then my sleep will be much better. If my sleep is better, then I’m more likely to wake up in a better mood. If I wake up in a better mood, then I’ll feel more motivated to exercise.

Of course, I’ll have to create time for each of these and set time for each on my calendar. Just thinking about this makes me more eager to start.

At this step, it is crucial to start small so that it requires less willpower and is more manageable. That way, I am more likely to exercise every day until it becomes a habit. This is also the reason why I jogged for less than 5 minutes. It is totally not because it was too cold and I felt a lot of pain.

The best way to remind myself is thinking of these 5 words:

Baby steps to giant strides.

I learned these words while reading a manga with a similar name. These words have become an integral part of my life. I hope you feel the same way.

TAKEAWAY: Baby steps to giant strides.

Here is my inspiration for the day.