The Privilege of Warm Showers

Yesterday while I was taking a shower, the thought occurred to me that not everyone gets to experience the joy of warm showers. I’m fortunate to have been at the right place at the right time with the right people to have access to warm showers.

This is why, for the last 15 seconds of my shower, I doused myself with extremely cold water to see what it feels like. As expected, I was shocked and didn’t find it enjoyable. I thought to myself, “how lucky am I to not have to go through this every day?”

I don’t need statistics or evidence to argue that not everyone has access to warm water. For every person that takes a warm shower, there is one that takes a cold shower. And while there are some benefits to taking cold showers, not having the choice to pick one over the other is devastating.

I challenge you to switch to cold water for the last 15 seconds of your shower. Doing this will make you appreciate warm water.

TAKEAWAY: If you have access to warm water, you are fortunate.

Here is my inspiration for the day.