Why You Should Talk To Someone

I woke up late this morning. I missed my morning run and I missed my morning class. I didn’t want to get out of bed even when it was nearly 11 am. I wanted to stay warm inside my covers.

What got me out of bed was my meeting with another individual— a college student who is far more accomplished than I am. It started at 11 and there were questions I wanted to ask him, such as what prompted him to do all the things he’s doing and how he manages it with his class work. Although it was just a phone call, doing this was a huge boost to my self-esteem, which was struck down by my inability to wake up early.

My conversation with him sprouted ideas and exuded inspiration.

But most importantly, It changed my negative feelings and thoughts to positive ones. 

The weird thing was that I didn’t tell him anything about my morning and how I slept through class. I simply asked him the questions I wanted to ask and I listened. After our conversation was over and I ended the call, I no longer felt bad about missing my morning run and sleeping through my class. If anything, it showed that I needed the sleep and that I need to sleep earlier.

There is nothing wrong about failures that you learned from.

As long as I learned from this situation and I work on preventing it in the future, it’s not a failure.

I could only achieve this way of thinking by having a conversation with another person.

TAKEAWAY: Talk to someone when you’re feeling down. It can be someone close to you or a complete stranger. The important thing is that you talk to them. You don’t have to talk about your problems; talk to them about any topic you want

Here is my inspiration for the day.