The Student Who Wore Shirts and Shorts in the Rain

This year’s rainy season hasn’t been as heavy as previous years, but when it did rain, it poured.

While working on my project, I gazed out the window at students scurrying between classes, their rain jackets and umbrellas battling the relentless downpour. All of them were prepared for the weather. They wore rain jackets, rain boots, umbrellas, comfortable pants, etc.

Undeterred by the weather, one individual stood out.

Instead of the usual rain gear, he wore a white t-shirt, light blue shorts, and white sneakers, embracing the rain as it fell upon him. He looked straight ahead; his steady pace and confident bearing suggesting a man on a mission – no time wasted idling in the rain. He meant business.

Here was a college student marching to the beat of his own drum, disregarding the weather’s influence on his decision-making.

But was his bold choice intentional or accidental? Does the reasoning behind the action even matter? Should we judge him by his motives or by his actions alone?

Here’s my inspiration for the day.