Challenges = Opportunities

I’m not a stoic, but the philosophy of stoicism has always attracted me for its approach to life.

One such case is viewing our challenges not as barriers, but as opportunities for growth.

The idea is every obstacle can be seen as a chance to practice our desired virtues. Instead of asking ourselves why bad things are happening to us, a Stoic would ask what can these bad things teach us.

Usually, this concept is intended for individuals. But it’s just as, if not more, valuable when applying it to a community.

If we’re wanting to find ways to elevate our lives, would solving our community’s challenges not be an effective method?

In areas that are most challenging, opportunities are most prevalent. If we are to take this approach to life, then there are countless challenges around us that would give us the best opportunities in life.

And in succeeding in these opportunities, bountiful rewards must be expected.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.