When You’re In The Club…

You know you’re in the club when you start recognizing names and their works, even if you never interacted with them.

I read Stephen King’s On Writing and his mentioning of T.S. Eliot makes me want to check out his essays. I read Cal Newport’s work and notice he mentioned Tim Ferriss, and it reminds me of his books 4 Hour-Work Week and Tools of Titans. I read James Clear’s Atomic Habits and he mentions Charles Duhigg, Angela Duckworth, and Daniel Kahneman, three people who’s works I’m familiar with.

I see mentions of Seth Godin, one of my favorite people, sprinkled in a lot of the projects I’m working on and other people’s works I’ve encountered. And it makes me feel good knowing that I’m following a similar path.

When there’s a community or a group of people you want to join, interact with all of them and learn as much as possible. Join them on their adventures and become part of the community, whether they’re aware of it or not. It’s best to surround yourself with people you aspire to be.

But once you’re in the club, you have to decide: what will your work be?

Here’s my inspiration for the day.