A Wasp Can’t Hurt You

Growing up, I was terrified of wasps. Seeing one always put me in fight-or-flight mode: and I constantly chose flight. It doesn’t help that they don’t look friendly, either. But I’ve reached levels of bravery and bravado I’ve never imagined when confronting such intimidating critters.

So what changed?

I observed them when they were near me and I noticed they don’t approach me. Even when I was stuck in a small, cramped outdoor bathroom in blazing heat and sharing it with a wasp nest and a couple of them buzzing around, they didn’t attack me.

I avoid provoking them. I don’t go around asking for a fight and trying to murder every wasp I encounter. In most cases, when there are wasps in enclosed rooms, I just open a door or window and they leave on their own. If they don’t leave, then I give them a little nudge until they do.

There was a wasp in my room last week and my older brother attempted to kill it with a shoe. He damaged it but the wasp was still flying around. I suggested the idea of opening a window so it can fly away. So, I trapped it, opened a window, and set it free instead of killing it. The wasp didn’t fight back and willingly flew away.

I’m not a wasp advocate. I don’t like wasps and don’t want them around. I just happen to find a less messy way to deal with them.

They don’t scare me anymore.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.