Bucket List

Bucket List: A list of things you want to do before you die.

I daydream too often and imagine myself in unpredictable situations to see how I would react. At some point, I became more realistic about such imaginations and unconsciously started compiling a list of things I’d like to do.

There are only two requirements for things to be added to my bucket list: they must be challenging based on my skillset, and they must make me feel excited every time I think about it.

I’ll continue adding more things that sound exciting and challenging.

As a result, similar to reading books, I’ll try finishing everything on my list, but it’s likely I never will. Still, it’s worthwhile documenting the ones I end up doing.

If an activity is crossed-off, that means I miraculously did it. Each crossed-off activity will be linked to a separate page that shares my pictures and experiences.

Here’s my list of things I want to do before I die.

  • Break up a fight between two kangaroos in Australia
  • Learn how to ride a Clydesdale horse
  • Throw salt outside your front door to ward off evil spirits after an unpleasant encounter
  • Try out for a football team in the premier league and make it to the second round
  • Coach a kids football team in South America and lead them to victory
  • Study the cut stone of the Incas and genuinely understand how it was made and imitate it
  • Touch the Pantheon in Rome and imagine its history
  • Play on a basketball team with each person speaking a different language and win the game
  • Discover an ancient artifact with an incomplete record and study its history. Bring it to an archeologist for confirmation.
  • Write a screenplay for a movie— can be a documentary or a film or whatever
  • Learn HTML and other necessary languages and build a website
  • Learn to crochet in a club with the average age being over 50
  • Tango with a stranger on the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina
    • Bonus: take a class after/before this experience so you can improve
  • Try to get from top to bottom of this page in one scroll with a Logitech mouse or a Macbook Trackpad: https://nav.al/rich
  • Use a no-code platform like https://bubble.io/ to build a digital product and sell it
    • Bonus: earn more than $10,000 in revenue from your digital product in less than six months
  • Learn to play poker and win a game within two weeks
  • Ride a camel and go at least a mile without aide in a Middle Eastern desert
  • Write a children’s book that you can proudly share with family members and get it published.
  • Meditate under a waterfall for 10 minutes
  • Travel to 3 different cenotes in Mexico and collect water from each of them.
  • Visit Amsterdam to learn about their circular/doughnut economy
  • Visit Bhutan for at least 2 weeks and learn what makes them happy
  • Visit Carl Jung’s Bollingen Tower and kindly ask the homeowners if they can give you a house tour
  • Travel to Israel and don’t leave until you master the philosophy of Chutzspah
  • Order something from 5 different coffee shops and ask for 10% off your order. No questions asked.
  • Challenge a professional table tennis player from China
    • Bonus: Win