Convenience is not (always) the answer

Not everything must be for the sake of convenience. Where there are benefits, there are drawbacks. And in some cases, such drawbacks are detrimental to the shaping of the human soul.

Education should not be simplified and convenient. There’s value in the nuances of understanding fields and achieving mastery. The pursuit of information is half the joy. If such information is easily accessible, then it spoils the joy of pursuing.

But for concrete concepts, convenience is preferred. Toilets are more convenient than its predecessor, and it’s hard to argue against its necessity.

There are cases where convenience is the answer, and cases where convenience is a misguided shortcut. Consider where the progress lies, and how beneficial it truly is.

When working towards something, ask yourself: is convenience really the way to go? Or are the drawbacks too valuable to ignore?

Here’s my inspiration for the day.