Finding Solitude in Hair Salons

There are few places where silence is tolerable: libraries, churches, hospitals, funeral services. Another place that can be carved out for silence is at a hair salon.

Every time I visit my local hair salon and ask for a haircut, the hair stylist accepts my willingness to keep it quiet. When a new hair stylist cuts my hair for the first time, she often starts with small talk, and I’m comfortable giving her swift responses in return.

My commitment to not asking follow-up questions is a tell-tale for her to respect my wishes. I love talking to people and getting to know them. But I made a hair salon a place for me to think, a place to sort out my thoughts and ideas. Others prefer walking in nature or visiting coffee shops to justify the act; I somehow decided on hair salons.

Is it selfish and rude? Possibly.

But isn’t it also selfish and rude to keep a conversation going when both parties are not interested?

Here’s my inspiration for the day.