Why is starting something difficult?

The hardest thing a person can do is starting something new. Just the thought of it can make a person paralyzed and therefore not go through with it. I had the idea of creating a blog at the beginning of January. 

Today is the end of December, and I have just created my blog. 

This means I put off the creation of my blog for nearly a year. In retrospect, there were plenty of moments when I felt the urge to write, yet I never did because I always put it off. I could have just written it down on a piece of paper, but even doing that felt like a chore. 

I’m still not sure what has taken me so long to start:

  • Is it my fear of failure? What if this doesn’t work out?
  • Is it my fear of success? What if I can’t handle it?
  • Was it my procrastination?
  • Was it because I wanted everything to be perfect and didn’t know where to start?
  • Did I want to make a blog to make a profit eventually, or did I want to enjoy the act of writing?
  • How will I attract an audience?
  • What type of blog do I want?
  • Every blog guru tells you to have a niche for a blog, but what if I don’t want one?

 I don’t know.

But only thinking and not doing anything will get me nowhere. 

Imagine what would happen if you stood still in the middle of a blizzard. What’s the point of thinking about what to do next and not doing anything at that moment? You’ll continue getting colder, develop frostbite, and eventually die. This is due to your inaction.

You froze to death because you kept standing still and hoped a miracle would occur.

If you’re ever in a blizzard, the worst thing you can do is stand still and hope for the best. You must keep moving until you find a safe place. 

In a similar context, when you find yourself unable to act on an idea because you keep generating thoughts about it. You must keep moving until you find a safe place. This safe place can be a short-term one that you’re comfortable with at the moment. 

But whatever you do. You must keep moving. You must start somewhere and continue improving (it) until you get what you desire.

Find the spark within you, and let the flames consume you. This is how’ll you continue living.

It is for that reason that I finally started my blog and have released my website.

At the time of this writing, my blog is far from perfect. There are way too many flaws: I don’t have all my categories listed; I don’t know anything about SEO and how to generate traffic; I have set up an incomplete newsletter that accidentally transports my subscribers to a different realm.

But one thing I do know, and have, is my ideas. And I have acted on one of my ideas— to start a blog. 

Although this took longer than I expected, I started nonetheless. And that is, unfortunately, something that many people have never done. 

I took the first step in the right direction, and that has made all the difference. I hope you will do the same if you haven’t done so already.

TAKEAWAY: In a blizzard, do not stand still and hope something good will happen to you. Keep moving forward until you find something that can warm you up, and let that warmth keep you alive.

Here is my inspiration for the day.