How Simple Requests Lead to Unexpected Rewards

Yesterday I started reading a book called Million Dollar Weekend.

Sketchy, right?

Honestly, I don’t expect to be earning a 7-figure business in 48 hours, or so I thought.

So far, the book is great. It’s broken down into three parts: start it, build it, and grow it.

What’s neat is that each chapter asks the reader to take on a challenge that helps them along their path, each getting increasingly difficult and more uncomfortable than the last.

There’s one challenge that caught my attention: ask someone you know for a dollar investment in you and your future business.

The goal is to realize how powerful starting something is and how simple business is. At the end of the challenge, the author even suggests to ask him for a dollar and he might give it to you.

I thought why not and asked him for $0.99. And I received this notification not even an hour later.

I genuinely didn’t think he would give me $0.99. I assumed he received a bunch of these requests from his readers, and stopped accepting them after months of his book’s launch. I even spelled the name of his book wrong— million not millionaire.

Yet, he accepted my request.

To think something so simple can give me such a powerful feeling.

Who knows, perhaps I’ll succeed in starting a 7-figure business when the weekend is over.

Thank you, Noah.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.