My Weakness Is My Greatest Strength

I’m a persistent overthinker: I think more than necessary about everyone and everything. Too much thinking led to not taking opportunities that were there for me to take; I felt paralyzed at the thought of deciding, preventing me from moving from my position.

I’ve been told I’m in my head too much and worrying about everything. And I believed them; I believed there wasn’t anything I could do to get rid of it.

Then I redirected it towards writing.

I found a medium I enjoy that puts my overthinking to good use. It forces me to be aware of my thoughts and choose them carefully, but at least it gets those thoughts out of my head.

These thoughts turned into my daily drafts. And because I overthink, I never run out of thoughts. Because I never run out of thoughts, I can keep writing everyday. In my experience, writer’s block doesn’t exist.

After enough writing, my overthinking turns into thinking, which helps direct my writing. If there’s a persistent thought and I don’t have time to expand on it, I type the bare minimum on my phone and save it for later. When it’s time for me to write, I check my notes and see which thought I can write about.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But it helped overcome my overthinking, and it allowed me to move forward.

What I want to do became clearer because of writing, because it turned my weakness into my greatest strength.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.