On Morning Walks

I went on a walk one morning and it was beautiful. It wasn’t too hot; there was a nice breeze; it wasn’t too bright, nor was it too dark; it was just right, and quiet, with only birds chirping rhythmically from a distance.

I had a million things I needed to do, deadlines looming, payments due, concerns about the next three months.

But, for a brief moment, all I could think about was how beautiful that morning was.

It wasn’t a distraction from my daily doings, rather it became the fuel needed to get on with my day.

It felt as if I could walk for hours.

And ideas started flowing out of nowhere. Topics I overlooked were now visible, and I had captivating stories for each. It was a shame I didn’t bring pen and paper to write them down.

Potential projects arose and I had a direction of where I needed to go. They became clear to me during my walk.

I don’t mean to romanticize morning walks— I’m aware of how messy they can be from it’s unpredictable nature. But there is beauty in doing simple things. There is a sort of power that can’t be taken when deciding where to go, and when to return.

Next time, I’ll bring pen and paper to write whatever crosses my mind. I’ll be sure to capture them. I think morning walks would be a good use of my time for the next couple of months.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.