The Beauty of Morning Runs

Recently I’ve been waking up around six in the morning every day this week to go out and run.

It feels great.

The weather has been great so far and it’s never felt too hot because it’s so early in the morning, though it almost reaches Arizona-level temperatures later in the day. Because of how quiet it is, it’s like the calm before the storm, or more like the calm before the heat in this case.

While I was out running this morning, I saw two rabbits chasing each other from one side of the road to the other. Two of the neighbor’s dogs were also barking at me and got close, perhaps a little too close considering one of them tripped me while I was running. I waved and smiled at everyone passing by and they did the same.

It’s at this point I should tell you that I live out in the country so the scenery and random encounters will be a bit more natural compared to others’ morning runs. I’d go as far as to say that I am very lucky when it comes to my morning runs because I don’t have to worry about my surroundings as much.

While I can go on and tell you about all the benefits of running such as this and that, I’d rather tell you about how it feels when you’re out there:

It’s quiet and it feels peaceful.

The quietness of your surroundings makes you feel like you’re the first person that woke up in the world– it’s a peaceful yet terrifying feeling. Regardless, it looks beautiful.

At the beginning of the year I went out to jog in the morning, but then I switched to running in the morning. It’s a difference that I’ll explain in my next post.

TAKEAWAY: There’s beautiful things all around us if we just look.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.