The Greater the Risk, the Greater the Fun

Fireworks in Mexico are different from fireworks in the United States; there are less safety measures put in place and they are more susceptible to surprises.

For example, there’s one type of firework in Mexico called “toritos.” It means little bull and it’s nature is akin to the Running Of The Bulls event in Spain, where a bull chases after everyone and you have to escape, except the torito is made out of firework frames and is maneuvered by a human.

The thrill of being chased by a bull-like firework is unmatched by any firework in the United States. It chases everyone, from kids to adults. And, because it’s in Mexico, there’s more risk involved.

Yet, the parents don’t mind it, nor do the kids. The sparks fly in every direction and touch everyone in its vicinity and there’s nothing but screams of joy and laughter.

Although it’s riskier, the experience is more memorable.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.