The One Thing Needed, Above All Else…


The conviction to dare, to challenge, and overturn opposing thoughts; to obtain strength, and remain steady when confronted; to alleviate suffering and develop resistance; to be authentic and build trust; to give meaning in a world that lacks otherwise.

What is needed is not endless strength or potent perseverance but conviction that, regardless of what occurs, you will get what you want.

It’s not confidence. Confidence fluctuates depending on the circumstances; conviction remains firm, and doesn’t depend on the environment.

It’s not haughtiness. Haughtiness stems from pride and the fragility of ego. Conviction scraps pride altogether, and trusts his beliefs.

You need conviction, a strong belief that can’t be put down so easily. Conviction is needed to guide you to your final destination.

It is your duty to acknowledge what you’re doing is right.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.