The Story of a Waving Biker Playing his Guitar

As I was driving home, I lowered my window and took out my left hand to feel the breeze. My hand unintentionally looked like a wave that the Queen of England would give to her citizens. As my hand was outside the window, somebody was on the sidewalk and they saw my hand. This person was simultaneously riding his bike and playing his guitar— he also had a really nice pair of shades. Then we made eye contact.

I accidentally waved at a man playing the guitar while riding his bike.

And he waved back.

By the time I got home, I was still trying to process what happened. The only thing I could do was laugh it off because of how absurd the experience was. It was truly absurd.

And I loved it.

TAKEAWAY: Accidents can lead to great discoveries.

Here is my inspiration for the day.