The Voice of Action

I was outside late at night one day because I was stressed out and felt hopeless. I felt getting fresh air under the night sky would relieve me in some way. My dog wanted to accompany me.

As we were laying in the grass under the stars, my problems and fears went away. I was ready to head back inside, but my dog was not. I called out to him multiple times, yet he didn’t move. 

Feeling tired and helpless, I went inside by myself. My dog began following me. We both went inside at the same time, even though I planned on heading back first. 

In the end, I got what I wanted by taking action and not needing to say anything— getting my dog to head back inside with me. I slept peacefully.

TAKEAWAY: Rather than saying what you will do, do it and only say it when others ask

Here is my inspiration for the day.