Three Handshakes

Last night, I said goodbye to my cousin, her daughter, and her friend. As we were parting ways, we hugged and shook hands.

But each hand I shook was met with a different style.

With my cousin’s daughter, I gave her a simple, standard handshake, where we grasped each other’s right hand and lightly shook them up and down.

With my cousin’s friend, I gave him a firm handshake.

With my cousin, I also gave her a standard handshake, followed by a fist bump.

This encounter happened within a span of 15 seconds.

But it all felt natural. I never gave a fist bump to my cousin before, yet it felt like I did. And that was the first time I met her friend, but the firm handshake felt just right.

Usually, I’m terrible with handshakes and saying goodbyes because I overthink them and try to not screw it up.

Except this time, I went with the flow and it felt natural.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.