Turning Misfortunes Into Lessons

Like stoicism, there are benefits to seeing your misfortunes as valuable lessons.

Arrived late to work and got punished for it? Okay, next time I’ll leave the house earlier and anticipate any unexpected traffic.

Suffering from an unforeseen illness and have to pay an exorbitant amount of medical fees? Alright, I’ll tackle this head on and see what I can do to mitigate my losses; I’ll strive to be healthier.

Someone is treating me rather unfairly and unjustly? Understood, I’ll be careful around him; it’s best to think of him as another lesson.

Whenever a misfortune occurs, it’s best to think of it as another lesson.

Nothing great has been achieved when tied down to misfortunes. Take it as a lesson and prepare for the next.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.