Weekends are more important than weekdays

I found whenever I felt lazy and wanted to stay in bed longer than needed on weekends, the following week became hectic. Throughout the week I would feel dependent on a long-overdue break to catch up on things. But once the weekend arrives, I feel lazy again, thus repeating the cycle until I reach a breaking point.

This cycle would’ve been easily prevented if I not only planned out my days but also set up a routine on weekends that would propel me through the week, brimming with enough energy to run a marathon.

What you do on the weekend will determine what you do the following week.

If you want to stay out late on a Friday night and you don’t have a routine for the weekends, you’re likely to oversleep and feel tired come Saturday, which may affect your Sunday as well.

But if you already have a routine on the weekends, and you follow it, then you have nothing to fret about.

Your weekend routines don’t have to be productive. Find something that relaxes you and gives you enough energy and prepares you for the following week.

Because after a long, busy week, filled with deadlines and anxiousness about what you’re doing with your life, you deserve it.

TAKEAWAY: Weekends, if handled properly, are your source of energy that determine your mood and actions on weekdays.

Here is my inspiration for the day.