What does it feel like to have your role model respond to you?

I created a “what I’m doing now” page after seeing a movement occurring from a small group of people, notably Gregory Brown, Greg Albritton, and Derek Sivers— feel free to learn more about it here.

Two Humans, One Archetype

Derek Sivers is one of my role models and favorite people. I learned about him through one of Tim Ferriss’s podcast episodes, and I found his story fascinating. His story resembles that of another role model of mine.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was a Roman statesman, military leader, and a farmer. When Rome was at war, the senate asked Cincinnatus to become dictator and lead Rome to victory. He won the war and immediately gave up his position as dictator to return to farming. Decades later, another war broke out and the senate asked Cincinnatus to serve again as dictator of Rome. He reluctantly agreed and won the war, and returned to farming life, even when many wanted him to stay as dictator. The power to refuse to become an absolute ruler and instead return to modest life is a power that few have ever attained.

Derek Sivers attained that power by walking away when he didn’t have to (see his about page for more on his story.) I’m fascinated by those who have such power.

An Unexpected Acknowledgment

As part of the “now” movement, there’s a dedicated website that includes everyone’s now page and allows people to find out what others are working on. It’s a cool idea and the only thing they ask is to share your now page once you have it built, so I did. I sent an email including this website’s now page and waited.

Nine hours later, I received a response from Derek. Apparently, he read my now page and congratulated me on my graduation. And he also read one of my posts and loved the story.

One of my role models and favorite people loved one of my stories.

Never did I think I would get recognized by somebody I look up to, but I did.

And it felt good.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.