When There’s a Box In the Road

As I was driving (again), I encountered a cardboard box in the middle of the road. I saw the vehicles in front of me struggling to drive around it. I couldn’t understand why someone didn’t get out of their vehicle to move the box off the road. That way, it wouldn’t create problems for others.

So I did it.

The timing was perfect because there was only one vehicle behind me and they were patient enough to wait for me. The box wasn’t too big but for smaller cars, it would be impossible to drive over it. I quickly got out of my car, pushed the box to the side of the road, returned to my car, and started driving again.

This small event made me realize that many are waiting for someone else to solve their problems. Not many are actually willing to get out and work on finding a solution. Granted not all problems can be easily solved by the average person, such as finding a vaccine for Covid-19. But for the problems that can be solved by the average person— such as moving a box out of the road— many still hope that someone else will do it.

There’s a famous saying that is attributed to different people: “there are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch what happens, and those who wonder what happened.”

Which kind of person do you want to be?

TAKEAWAY: Don’t wait too long for someone to solve your problems.

Here’s my inspiration for the day.