Why Business Writing is the Best Writing

Business writing is the best form of writing. The purpose is to maintain simplicity and briefness so that the message comes across much quicker and much easier. Some of my favorite writers like E.B. White, Tom Wolfe, and Henry David Thoreau were advocates of such writing; they despised sentences that beat around the bush. 

Thoughtco.com provides great characteristics of business writing:

In other words, business writing is direct. For those starting out in writing, I recommend writing in a similar manner. It doesn’t have to be business writing. But the sentences should be simple and direct.

Although it may be boring and it may cause many to give up their passion of writing, it’s important they understand the basics of writing: they must know the difference between passive voice and active voice; they must know what a verb is without looking it up; they must know when to use past tense, present tense, and future tense; they must punctuate correctly.

Most importantly, they must know how to get their message across in the quickest way, or else their readers lose interest. 

I’m still working on the basics, which is why my sentences sound awkward at times. This is one of the many reasons why I started a blog: to improve my writing. By forming the habit of writing everyday and improving my writing, the day will come when my readers enjoy my writing style. Until then, I’ll quietly continue writing.

TAKEAWAY: Start with the basics and be patient. Compound interest is your best friend.

Here is my inspiration for the day.