Why You Should Try

This week I was hit by my first wave of tests. One of them was for a class I dropped out of last semester; I took the test and failed. But this semester, I took the test and passed with an A.

What was the difference?

Was it because I was already familiar with the material? Did I get the answers from someone? Did I bribe the professor?


I tried this time.

The only difference between the test I failed last semester and the test I passed with an A this semester was that I tried. 

Of course, I tried to pass the test last semester. But I didn’t prepare for what I was being tested on.

This semester I paid attention in class and was using the resources and materials my professor provided.

The results? I passed.

Granted I didn’t study as much as I wanted to, I still got an A.

It’s crazy how a little preparation can go a long way.

TAKEAWAY: You never know what will happen unless you try.

Here is my inspiration for the day.