Worrying is a Good Thing

I recently noticed that I overthink a lot. I am always worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet simply because I don’t think I prepared myself enough, such as feeling anxious about an upcoming test because I didn’t study enough— or study at all. I also tend to think about my future a lot, especially within the next 2 – 5 years. There is plenty of things I want to do, but I get fearful when I think that I won’t get to do them because I wasn’t planning enough or lack the financial resources for it. 

Then I listened to others.

I listened to their stories about what they’ve done and how they still don’t know what they want to do with their lives. As I listened to their stories, my problems and worries felt minuscule. I felt stupid.

I shouldn’t be worrying about something that I know I want to do.

I should be happy with the fact that I have the privilege of worrying about my future, because not everyone has that luxury.

That’s right. Worrying about your future is a luxury. 

Then again, whenever life throws lemons at us, we can always tell ourselves that at least they weren’t cantaloupes. But doing so downplays our trials and tribulations, which some may not like. Yet that’s exactly how we need to go through our lives— knowing that there is someone out there having it worse than we are. We force ourselves to be humble when we compare our bad days to others’. 

I am not saying we need to live stoically or disregard our painful moments. Instead, let them pass by without harboring any bitter feelings. In other words, be at peace with your hardships. Leave them on good terms, so that you may prepare for your next challenges and reduce the severity. 

Because even in a world filled with painful memories and broken dreams and unfulfilled promises, it is still a beautiful place. So look forward to tomorrow, for there will surely be something that will leave you with negative thoughts. Then be happy about that.

TAKEAWAY: Be content with the fact that you have something to worry about.

Here is my inspiration for the day.